PUTRAJAYA, 7th November – Beyond Structures 2016 was held at the Dewan Seri Sarjana (DSS), Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) on 5th November with participation from 37 teams hailing from 20 universities nationwide. This event was jointly organised by the Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE) Malaysia Regional Group and the UNITEN Civil Engineering Department with the theme \”Static and Beyond\”.
This competition requires students to come up with a conceptualised design of a ferris wheel by using only newspapers and tape for the two categories, which are Category A and Category B. Both categories were judged based on its durability after 5 rotations, radius of wheel and the weight of newspapers used. The only difference is that oral presentation is required for category A only.
UNITEN Team A has won the competition for category A, which walked away with RM3000 worth of cash prize money and trophies. On the other hand, UNITEN Team B won Oustanding Performance Team. This event ended with a closing ceremony officiated by Yang Berbahagia Dato\’ Prof. Dr. Rujhan Mustafa, CEO of the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) accompanied by Yang Berbahagia Dato\’ Prof Ir. Dr. Kamal Nasharuddin bin Mustapha, Vice-Chancellor of UNITEN.
In light with this achievement, the NADi UNITEN team has managed to contact some of the members of UNITEN Team A and here\’s what they have to say:
\”We joined last year\’s competition but our performance was not as good as what we\’ve expected. However , that was just a starting point for us to gain experience, knowledge and to work together as a team of people from different backgrounds. With the support of our lecturers like Dr Sivakumar, Dr Ashraful and Ir Zakaria, we managed to come back stronger to win this national championship title. Finally, our word of advice to all: never give up and continue your effort in creating the perfect model\” – Leng Kuan Seul
\”Understand fully on the material and structural concept by sketching and discussing with the group members first before fabricating. Because if you fabricate without considering the practicality and buildability elements, your structure will surely fail. That\’s what we have learnt from last year\’s experience and we came back stronger this year \” – Soo Kai Yao
\”The beyond structure competition hosted by Uniten has given me the opportunity for the first time to participate and provide me an amazing experience on which i\’ve learnt the importance of teamwork, innovation,creativity and responsibilities that we carry all at one time during the competition. The guidance and support from my team members as well as my lecturers is what have brought me and my group to be the champions of this competition and i will always be thankful to our advisor, Dr.Sivakumar for believing in us.\” – Darvin Krishna
We from the NADi UNITEN team would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to both UNITEN Team A and B and we wish you all the best for your future endeavours!

By : Gan Zhi Han