PUTRAJAYA, 23 MAY 2017 – In conjunction with the end of term for the Student Representative Council (SRC) of UNITEN 2016/2017, a ‘Townhall’ session was held on the 23rd May 2017 in Dewan Seri Sarjana from 8.00 pm to 10.30 pm. The session was officiated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdul Aziz, Director of Student Affairs Centre. This session served as a platform for face-to-face discussion between the students and the management/SRC.
The session began with opening remarks by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdul Aziz and was further continued by the Student Representative Council with their \’Term End Presentation\’. Students were presented with the Annual Service Report and highlights throughout the term served by the current Student Representative Council 2016/2017.
The session continued with a Q&A session with the students where they were given the chance to ask questions and speak out their concerns, through the use of Twitter by using the tag \’#tanyasrcuniten\’ or by simply voicing out their questions in the hall.
The questions were directly answered by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdul Aziz as well as the Student Representative Council. Among the issues addressed were the implementation of the new parking system, budgeting for events, a lift on the current block of Steam on-campus as well as the suggestion of an external bus to pick up students living off-campus. Feedback from the SRC can be reviewed by accessing the Twitter account named @skuadmediauniten.
The \’Townhall\’ session ended with a short briefing regarding the coming election for the Student Representative Council of UNITEN 2016/2017.
Written by: Nurul Aimi Athirah binti Juarimi
Photo Source: @skuad.media.uniten