The Uniten Curry House – Issue #2

This issue, we are focusing on the recent happenings in UNITEN.

Who doesn\’t love a little drama?

We also have a horror story and a food review if that\’s your thing.


Spilling the Tea with the SRC

We ask all the questions you want asked and spill the hot tea about the recent SRC drama. Oh yeah and some obligatory stuff about manifestos and student responsibility.

* Yes we are aware that the picture contains coffee and not tea. We just really liked the picture.


Convocation – More Than Just a Ceremony

It is the time for tears and joy and for throwing your hat in the air like you just don’t care but you really shouldn’t, because you might get them dirty and I think that you need to return them later. Here are excerpts from a few interviews we conducted with some of UNITEN\’s brightest!


Where are the Horses – A Horror Story

Curiosity killed the cat.


Top 5 Places to Eat Near UNITEN

Want to go on a date but don’t know where to eat?  Frequent arguments with your partner about “Nak makan mana ni?” that will eventually lead to catastrophic endings? Afraid not, The UNITEN Curry House is here to save the day (or maybe even your relationship)!

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