BANGI, Sept 28 — SRC UNITEN has sent their representatives to Ministry of Higher Education’s National Economic Reform Plan (PENJANA) Career Advancement Program or KPT-CAP. The program was officiated by our Prime Minister, Tan Sri Dato’ Muhyiddin Yassin.
The main objective of the program is to help fresh graduates attune themselves to new demands in the job market. With employment rate dwindling significantly due to rising cases of COVID-19, such initiatives could open new opportunities to aspiring graduates.
Unlike other up-skilling and re-skilling programmes, PENJANA focuses on three main programmes which are, Job Matching and Placement, Program Berterusan Keusahawanan and GIG Economy. All of which are designed to cater to companies’ demands.
Job Matching and Placement introduces graduates’ skills with the current demand from industries. Over 100 companies have signed up with PENJANA and ensuring workplace for graduates to enter. Program Berterusan Keusahawanan on the other hand aims to train graduates to increases entrepreneurship skills. With the aim that they are not just job applicants but also job generators. While GIG Economy prepares graduates to gain profit or income based on freelancing activities.
MPP vice president, Nur Farah Shazana binti Rashidi commented that the highlight was when the event showcased video of graduates sharing their hardship. “It was heart breaking to see their struggle.” said Farah. “I was thankful that our government also thought about this programme to help graduates. Governments have estimated around 20,000 graduates from all over Malaysia will benefit from this programme. The number is not much but at least there is something rather than not having anything.” she added.
Other representatives expressed the same sympathy and with all these initiatives, Farah felt that it should very well inspire students. “We cannot always stick to our comfort zone.” said Farah. “Especially during this pandemic, things have become way harder for everyone to survive. So, there is no sitting back and relax kind of attitude, we need to strive harder and seek all types of opportunity.”