Putrajaya, 13th July 2017 – As a symbol of appreciation for the stunning achievements of the students of Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), Majlis Anugerah Kecemerlangan Pelajar (MAKeP) was held on the 10th July 2017 at Dewan Seri Sarjana. Officiated by Dato’ Prof. Ir. Dr. Kamal Nasharuddin Bin Mustapha, Vice Chancellor of UNITEN, the award ceremony began at 8pm and shortly ended at 11pm.
With over seventy awards divided between seven different categories, the award ceremony was met with pleasant vibes from the audience. Soo Mei Teng, one of the recipients of the “Anugerah Khas Individu – Wanita”, felt ecstatic and blessed for having the opportunity to stand on the stage.
\”I feel utmost proud since it was my first time meeting Prof Ibrahim in person and receiving the award from him,\” she states happily, \”I am glad that I have learnt so many things when I am in UNITEN and at least, I managed to give back something.\”
She also asks UNITEN students alike to be brave in what they like to do and to never be afraid of failures as nobody is perfect. \”Handling events is tough, but the stuff that you will learn after knowing how to handle events is way more beneficial than the knowledge in the classroom. Manage your time well, and you shall pass with success. Good luck!\”

Kelab Debat Putrajaya also received an award yesterday for “Anugerah Kelab Terbaik – Leadership and Intellectual”. Amirul Ashraf bin Azhar, as president for the club, was proud over their achievement and felt thankful to Allah for the opportunity. Recording his thanks towards the club’s advisor, Tn Hj Mohd Ariff, technical advisor Miss Amira Raihana and alumni, he expressed the club’s intentions to go even further.
“This award is proof that all of our efforts have been acknowledged by UNITEN, especially from the Student Affairs Centre (SAC). Thank you for this award and in syaa Allah, our fight to further make a grand name out of UNITEN will not stop here. Instead, this award will serve as motivation to continue exerting even more effort towards achieving victory in future debate tournaments as well as bring back the days when UNITEN was a force to not be trifled with in the debate arena.”

Among other prestigious recipients for MAKeP were Mr. Muhammad Ibrahim Mahmoud as recipient of “Anugerah Penasihat Kelab Terbaik – Projek Terbaik” for his work on Skuad Denggi, Persatuan Kebudayaan Cina as recipient of “Projek Terbaik – Art and Cultural” for their drama night, Malam Muzikal UNITEN and Tan Hsueh Lin as recipient of “Anugerah Terbaik Keseluruhan – Wanita”. A full list of all the recipients of the awards for MAKeP 2017 can be found below.

We from NADi UNITEN would like to congratulate everyone who received an award for their achievements and wish them all the best for their future endeavors.
Written by: Ahmad Danial \’Irfan bin Husain and Andrew Chan
Photo Source: Skuad Media Uniten