LENGENG, 27th October – UNITEN IET on Campus (IET UNITEN) has organised the IET UNITEN Team Building camp at OUTBAC Broga, Negeri Sembilan from 21st to 23rd October 2016. The objective was to introduce the new committee board to their new members and bonding between both parties. This camp has been participated by 34 members, where 7 of the 34 campers are part of the new committee board.
The activities conducted by IET UNITEN throughout the three-day camp include rock climbing, flying fox, ice-breaking sessions, survival games, team building activities and a mini drama competition, where Bavananthan Selvamany of the Young Professional Section (YPS) of IET Malaysia was invited as judge to the drama competition. Mr Bavananthan is also one of the key Young Professionals in the IET in Malaysia campus section. The team building camp ended with a hiking session at Broga Hill and a simple closing ceremony of the event.
\”I feel that the programme is fun and I am glad to see interactions between the committee board and new members. I believe such camps are the type of events that will make the most out of your university life.\” – says Alvin Chua Chee Siang, who is the IET UNITEN Chairperson and part of the Young Professional Community Committee (YPCC), which helds the role of representing the Asia Pacific IET On Campus student chapters.