SUBANG JAYA, 3rd November – A mini solar charger workshop was organized by IET UNITEN On Campus in collaboration with UNITEN\’s Engineering Department of Electrical Power (EP) on the 30th October 2017 (Monday) from 8:00am to 2:00pm, catered to expose students 15 years of age to the engineering world in this era, where technology is growing rapidly. IET UNITEN On Campus gave students the finest hands-on experience for the Form 3 students in SMK Subang Utama to construct a mini solar charger and a solar car with the guidance of IET UNITEN’s event facilitators.
Before the start of the workshop, Mr Mohd Azrin Bin Mohd Azau from UNITEN’s EP department gave a warm opening with introductions of our University as well as an informative talk on the engineering field, especially on power generation via electricity generation. Solar power was also briefly briefed to the students and passed on to Lim Jen-Kynn, event director of the workshop, to present on the safety precautions to be taken during the workshop followed by Benjamin Wong Wan An to explain the technical information in detail.

During the event, students were taught how to assemble a complete solar charger circuit on a printed circuit board (PCB), solder the completed circuit and using the mini solar charger to power up a car made of daily items we use, such as used plastic bottle caps, sate sticks and tapes.

Miss Izzati, a science teacher from SMK Subang Utama felt thankful to IET UNITEN On Campus for conducting the program, “First of all thank you for coming to SMK Subang Utama. I feel that this is a very good activity to open their (students) mind and explore new thing instead of just learning from textbooks. We do hope that you all could come again.”
Miss Lee Hui Jing, a representative from UNITEN\’s Electrical Power department felt satisfied seeing the students passionately doing their best to form their very own solar car. “I’m glad to see the student’s enthusiasm towards technology. Despite not touching on physics subject yet, the students still tried their best to learn the fundamentals just for this workshop. It is definitely worth the effort,” she said.
Lim Jen-Kynn, director of the event, was happy with how the workshop turned out. “Every event conducted is a learning process to all of us, the efforts we put in for this event is also for our self development. Therefore these kind of workshops will definitely not be the last from us,” he commented, promising more events in the future.

Written by: Anonymous.