PUTRAJAYA, 18th of November 2016- BOLD 2025 is UNITEN\’s strategic plan in making the university one of the top Universities in Asia by 2025. BOLD which is short for Building Opportunities and Living Dream was presented to the UNITEN students during the Town Hall event yesterday at around 8:30 p.m till 10.00 p.m by our honorable Vice Chancelor, Dato\’ Prof. Ir. Dr. Kamal Nasharuddin bin Mustapha. He presented the BOLD plan into three parts, the first was the BOLD projects which are completed , second was on the prospective BOLD projects and lastly on the expected outcomes of the BOLD projects.
In the first part of the presentation, the audience was introduced to the Vibrant Campus Project (VCP). It is a massive infrastructure project which costs approximately RM70 million. Some of the completed projects include bicycle lanes, covered walkways, the upgrading of the classrooms, prayer room, toilets, the free and easy area and the repainting of the College of Engineering building. While the projects which is still under construction are the new student center at Upten foodcourt, further improvement of the UNITEN\’s library infrastructure, turf hockey field behind Ilmu apartment, \’Surau\’ near the Stadium, changing room at the rugby field of College of Computer Science and Information Technology, a new sport complex and multipurpose hall for UNITEN KSHAS (Kampus Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah) Campus. The aim of the these projects is to provide a more conducive environment for the students in order to maximize their learning experience.

In the second part, the future project like the new city campus in Bangsar and Pahang, the state of art Lab and strategic hire project were presented during the townhall event. The aim of all of the future project is focus on making UNITEN among the best universities in the world for Electrical and Electronics.
Dato\’ Prof. Ir Dr Kamal ended his presentation with a hopeful and enlightening quote, \”Together we can do great things.\”. He hopes that fellow UNITEN students will work together in his effort in making UNITEN a dream universities for many and making it one of the best in world.
Written by: Akmal Aziq bin Baharin