\”Bengkel Pemantapan Pengurusan Aktiviti Kelab Dan Persatuan\” 2016 / 2017 Session

\"3pa\"SEPANG, 16 OCTOBER – \”Bengkel Pemantapan Pengurusan Aktiviti Kelab Dan Persatuan Sesi 2016 / 2017\” is an annual program organized by \”Pusat Hal Ehwal Pelajar\” (PHEP) to make sure all clubs and societies equiped with sufficient skills to manage their clubs. 80 students from 40 clubs attended this program at Hotel Seri Malaysia, Bagan Lalang Selangor.

This program was held on 14th October to 16th October. The ceremony was officiated by Professor Dr Mohd Zamri Bin Yusoff, Deputy Vice chancellor for Student Affairs, Alumni and Management, UNITEN. 11 slots have been carried out during the program, which ranges from skills to manage a club, management procedures, talks from financial, FDM, ITMS / AVA representatives, protocol event management and media.

During the program students were divided into 3 groups for a proposal-making session, which is to be proposed to Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB). Group 1 has won the presentation challenge entitled \”Go Green World Peace\”. Their program will last for a month with various activities conducted throughout the period. The objective of this program is to instill a sense of affection and love for their university among students by supporting the green campus initiatives and to be aware of the impact on all parties.

According to the Student Representative Council ( SRC ) proposal should be sent to the link provided, which is  srcuniten.org/proposal, which allows proposals to be reviewed in advance and to facilitate the process of approving of the proposal. This link will be available in due course.



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