Mandarin Class
Greetings UNITENians,👋
We are excited to announce that the Chinese Cultural Society is back with a short Mandarin class for all of you.
The details of the event are as below:
Date : 13/4/2023
Time : 3.30pm – 5.30pm
Venue : BM-0-019, College of Engineering
Fee: RM 5
Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d/e/1FAIpQLSfOYE4ERL9D1rCjfz1uA4wgQKlA-006r8EBJOzUwquYlX7ORQ/formResponse
*Walk in registration is allowed.
*Handout is provided.
⭐️SCORUN provided.
🤑Amazing cash prizes are awaiting for you too!🤑
✨Kahoot Quiz✨
Champion: RM30
1st Runner Up: RM20
2nd Runner Up: RM10
*Grab Voucher
Lastly, do join our CCS telegram channel for more information & updates on this event.
Telegram link : https://t.me/ccsuniten